Monday, March 23, 2020


Girl, about six years old, to her dad: "If there isn't going to be any more school, they should at least give our art projects back. (Yelling) THEY PROMISED US THEY'D GIVE THEM BACK!!"

(Overheard by ER from more than six feet away, on a trail in Portland)

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Every. Single. Time.

Middle aged man to other middle aged man, breaking long silence: "Do you ever look at your last load of laundry and think, 'Maybe I'll just throw this out'?"

(Overheard by SH at Tony's Donuts)

Monday, March 09, 2020

Someone's Idea of Fun

Second-grader: "Corona is a fun word!"

(Overheard by AR in an elementary school classroom outside of Portland)

Friday, March 06, 2020

Pisces Season

Person to friend: "He's a Pisces? Everyone's a Pisces! That used to be my thing!"

(Overheard by AJL in a Congress Street bar)